Blog posts tagged with 'crm and email marketing for small business'

Email Marketing - To Nurture Leads

Email Marketing - To Nurture Leads


Nowadays, The Internet is radically changing the way, people search and receive information. On businesses, luckily this interconnectedness allows them to deliver content in different ways: social media, blogging, video, audio, and a host of other interactive platforms. Plus, let’s not forget email. You can also select the best CRM for email marketing that lessens your burden.


Email marketing is very much alive. A recent study says that more than 80% of B2B and B2C companies are still using email marketing technologies as part of their marketing strategies. The email content is six times more likely to be clicked than tweeted content. The numbers, compiled by experts and practitioners in the field of marketing, are compelling indeed. Automation, mobile, personalization, engagement, or ROI are echoing the same point—but email is still highly relevant in the modern age.


Personalized Email Marketing


Personalized Emails

To make your prospects to take notice of your message, you need to do so much more than just push your content. Personalizing your emails means you know your subscribers well enough to know what they’re looking for. At the right time and via the right channel, we should be ready to give it to them.

Some of the ways to maximize your personalized email strategies are as follows:


Practice Segmentation


Practicing Segmentation in Your Email Marketing means grouping your leads by their browsing activity, demographic information, and purchase history. This grouped data can then be used to customize your email, making them more relevant to any particular group of contacts.


Segmenting the Email enables you to track your leads’ activity according to the category they belong to. With this information, you can come up with different customer personas. Providing the relevant content that’s valuable to each persona group is our next move.


Offer Well-Tailored Content


We should understand that “creating relevant and compelling content” is the most effective and the most challenging email marketing tactic. So let's see how we do it?


Use personalized emails to direct your customers to a landing page on your website, which should have the same look and copy as your email, including CTAs is. The idea is identifying your customer segments, writing custom emails for each segment, and developing several landing pages for that particular segment. With this strategy, you give your leads an integrated, personalized email experience and encourage them to convert as customers.


Automate Your Email Marketing


To generate, nurture, and manage leads, and you need tools to automate the majority of the tasks involved in email marketing. These automated tools are not only meant to make things easier for you but also help you to scale things up in the personalized email department as well.


The strategy involves sending emails to accounts that haven’t been active on the platform for some time, encouraging them to engage more. As a welcome greeting, for up-selling or cross-selling pitches, and sending updates about your subscriber’s account we can make use of trigger emails. Check out our CBS-CRM‘s Marketing Management Module that has options to select Additional Email Services in 10K, 100 K, and 1 Million Slabs according to your needs.


The Nature of Marketing Automation


Marketing Automation


Automation is marketing technology in action that enables you in tracking the digital footprints of your leads, turning those interactions into insights about the customers’ sales journey, and help you in crafting better content to drive prospects towards a purchase decision. Simply go for free trial signup at CBS Systems Corp and avail of free Sales Lead Generation CBS-CRM with Email Marketing.





E-Mail Marketing – An art of driving Enormous Website Traffic!!

E-Mail Marketing: The Art of driving Enormous Website Traffic!!


“Nothing can turn on your Customers as like an Authentic & Honest message.”

 Sending Messages through email to your customers is a highly effective way of communicating and getting their attention. E-Mail Marketing is a direct Marketing process for sending commercial and important messages, enhancing brand value among customers.

                             “Reliable Messages build a relationship

                                    A relationship forms the trust

                                        Trust brings revenue”

E-Mail marketing is not merely a process of getting traffic to the site to generate revenue. The prolonged E-mail Communication with your Customers turned them into “lifelong” Customers for your services and products.

Any Marketer would accept the strategy that “More Visibility” drives “More Traffic”, which eventually brings revenue. E-Mail Marketing is a cost-effective tactic to send promotional messages & templates across the targeted demographic customers to bring them to websites to experience the quality Services and products of your Business.

So this crucial and decisive task should be taken care of the following factors:.



  • Build a credible e-mail list:

The success of email marketing lies in the building of a credible and quality email list. We couldn’t fetch the water from an empty vessel. 

An e-mail list is a list of organized e-mail addresses. Collect email addresses from the sign-up forms, social media, blogs, and forums. Segment those healthy email addresses concerning their interests and expectations for increasing the repeated visits.

  • Mail Personalized Messages:

Customize your e-mail content to meet the requirements of your customers. To avoid “spammy content,” design a message to fulfill their needs. Personalized messages increase open rates.

  • Set the proper landing pages in the email campaign:

It’s very important to direct the email reader to a relevant page that provides further information for your highlighted message. Hence, set up the right landing pages that contain detailed information.

  • Make Creative Interactions:

Create a poll or send them trivia questions to learn about their needs and product choices. This information will help you pave the way for making customers engage with your services.

  • Embed social media with e-mail:

Never forget to embed social media buttons like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. It maximizes the website's visibility and makes them explore your presence on the social media platform.



So believe that email marketing is still working effectively to drive visitors and turn them into paying customers.

Contact CBS Systems Corp., which offers CBS-CRM along with an email marketing tool, to execute a well-designed email marketing campaign to drive huge traffic to your website.