Ease Enrollment & Admissions
Best CRM for Education

Innovation Meets Education

Our CBS-CRM empowers educational institutions to optimize the administration experience by streamlining administrative processes and providing data-driven insights. Our system equips educators with the tools to manage student information effectively, track enrollment data, and gain a deeper understanding of student engagement, putting decision-makers in control.

We understand the challenges faced by Educational institutions

Limited insight into management interactions.

Inefficient communication between teacher and parents.

Difficulty in Student Recruitment and Enrollment.

Insufficient data management in student and teacher records.

Inability to perform proper insights into educational institution data.

Difficulty in maintaining individual staff members or departments.

Lack of communication within the institution.

Limited preferences with alumni engagement.

Common CRM Challenges

Data-Driven Solutions for Education

Our CRM software serves as a master database for your institution's data, providing information about students, teachers, departments, and programs.

We also facilitate engaging with all key stakeholders.

Managing the overall operations can be easy with everything in one spot.

Unravel the persuasive case for choosing CBS-CRM to cater to the diverse needs of your Educational institution
Easy-to-Use CBS-CRM

Easy-to-Use CRM for Educators

CBS-CRM's intuitive interface ensures a smooth learning curve for educators, minimizing training time and maximizing productivity. Straightforward navigation and precise controls allow teachers and staff to access critical student information easily. This empowers educators to focus on what matters most - delivering quality instruction and fostering positive relationships with students.
Reliable-CRM in all industries
Reliable CRM for Schools and Universities
Whether managing admissions, student records, or alumni relations, we offer intuitive customization options that empower institutions to tailor their CRM experience. Administrators can easily configure fields, layouts, and workflows to align with their specific processes without extensive technical expertise.
Manage-Alumni in one crm
Manage and Strengthen Alumni Relations
Managing alumni relationships in educational institutions using our software involves leveraging technology to foster engagement, communication, and support among alumni and the institution. CBS- CRM allows institutions to segment alumni based on various criteria, such as graduation year, geographic location, industry, interests, and engagement level.
CBS-CRM most Data-Security
Data Security & User Permissions
With our CRM's Access and Rights Management features, administrators can easily configure user permissions, granting or revoking access as needed. Role-based access controls enable administrators to assign specific privileges to different user roles, ensuring that users have an access only to the data and features necessary for their job functions.
CBS-CRM Insightful-Dashboard
Insightful Dashboard
Our CRM's analytical dashboard equips educational institutions with the power to transform data into actionable insights, ultimately driving student success. Customizable widgets allow educators to visualize key performance indicators relevant to their needs, such as enrollment trends, student engagement metrics, and assessment performance.

Big dreams but held back by tight budgets?

The CBS-CRM for Education gives you more affordable pricing to get started.
You can scale your business with our CRM and all the technical support from CBS Systems.

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