The Best CRM for IT & BPO Businesses
Grow Revenue & Efficiency

As your customer's expectations continue to soar, CBS-CRM enables service-based businesses to deliver unparalleled experiences, ensuring repeat patronage. Efficiently schedule and dispatch jobs, earning customer's loyalty through savvy management.

We recognize the obstacles encountered within the Service sector

Data is often scattered, and it is challenging to utilize customer information effectively.

Need help accessing robust reporting and analytics tools.

Challenging to segment their customer base effectively.

Storing customer data across disparate systems increases the risk of data loss, breaches, and compliance issues.

Uneasy to follow up with the end-user.

User-friendly crm for service industry in CBS-CRM

User-Friendly CRM

Our CBS-CRM systems provide an intuitive interface that is simple to navigate, even for those less familiar with technology. Without requiring considerable training, IT and BPO companies can quickly access contacts, dispose of, and input essential information, saving time and lowering the possibility of errors.
Personalization crm for service industry in CBS-CRM
CBS-CRM's extensive customization possibilities let you quickly integrate it with your engagement activities without requiring technical support or expertise in coding.
Complete-Data-Security crm for service industry in CBS-CRM
Complete Data Security
CBS-CRM uses cloud-based technology. The data is uploaded to the cloud, where cloud service providers heavily invest in security measures to safeguard their clients' data. These measures cover threat detection, encryption, access limits, and frequent security assessments. Utilizing the expertise and capabilities of a reliable cloud provider helps many organizations enhance overall data security.
Analytical-Dashboard crm for service industry in CBS-CRM
Analytical Dashboard
Our CRM's analytical dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of your business activities. You can easily see patterns, track performance, and pinpoint improvement areas. This enables you to refine your approach, boost productivity, and spur business expansion.
Access-Rights-Management. crm for service industry in CBS-CRM
Access & Rights Management
Access and Rights Management features of CBS-CRM enable administrators to effortlessly set up user permissions, allowing or removing access as required. By allowing administrators to allocate distinct privileges to various user roles, role-based access restrictions guarantee that users can only access the information and tools needed to do their jobs.
Affordable-cost-Efficient crm for service industry in CBS-CRM
Affordable and Cost-Efficient CRM
Say goodbye to costly, complex CRM solutions and welcome to the most economical and practical choice available. Discover the potential of our CRM now to grow your company to new heights without going over budget.
Secure-data-management crm for service industry in CBS-CRM
Secure Data Management
Our CBS-CRM system serves as a master database for your company's data. This provides information about the company, contacts, department administration, and employees. The admin can view an entire employee profile with everything in one spot.
Streamline management crm for service industry in CBS-CRM
Streamline Lead Nurturing With Email Campaign
Integrating email marketing automation with CBS-CRM enables email workflows, such as cold emails, follow-up sequences, or re-engagement campaigns. This automation process saves time and resources while ensuring timely and consistent customer communication.

Big dreams but held back by tight budgets?

The CBS-CRM for Services gives you more affordable pricing to get started.
You can scale your business with our CRM and all the technical support from CBS Systems.

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